Congressional staff briefing on CTC and Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) impact on families in Puerto Rico.
This briefing, co-hosted by the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud (IDJ) and Hispanic Federation, includes a panel of economic, policy, and community experts from national and Puerto-Rico based organizations to discuss the impact of Child Tax Credit (CTC) on reducing child poverty in Puerto Rico, as well as the implications of a transition from Puerto Rico's block-grant Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
➡️ Dr. María E. Enchautegui, Director of Research and Policy, IDJ
➡️ Laura Esquivel, Vice President, Federal Policy and Advocacy, Hispanic Federation
➡️ Elaine Maag, Senior Fellow in the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute
➡️ Rosalyn Hernández Olmo, Puerto Rico Community Expert and Leader, College Student and Working Mom